I hope Ginny doesn't mind my lateness to the yarn along. Here is the first fingerless glove for Olivia, minus the ends being woven in. I am pleased with how it turned out, for there were some moments of sheer panic involved! There are twist stitches that require some tricky maneuvering and several times I either dropped the stitches off the needle or twisted too soon in the chart. That left me trying to figure out how to back up or pick up stitches. I googled how to repair mistakes and found out there is something you can do called a lifeline. Why had no one told me about this before? For goodness sake, I have panic attacks over much lesser things than knitting mistakes.
I have only read the first few pages. I already find myself liking the characters very much.
While knitting with such tiny needles and dark yarn, I was having trouble seeing my work clearly. I would ask Tony to turn on more lights, I would hold the knitting closer, yet nothing seemed to help. Then one evening, I took out my contacts because my eyes were tired and put on my glasses. It was even worse. I couldn't see anything up close. I took off my glasses to rub my eyes. Oh my goodness! I could see my knitting clearly! Because my eyes have to be corrected so severely for distance, the lenses disturb my near vision. Then I had another revelation of sorts. Sometimes in life we are trying to see the big picture clearly, so we try to fix it the only way we know how, with our own solutions. Yet when we remove these obstacles, we will find that the important things were right in front of our eyes, but hidden. We try and figure out what will bring us peace and happiness and we look and look, when really, it is God, and the gifts He has given us and we just need to look with our hearts and not our eyes.
Beautiful knit, and beautiful observation. I think you are so right.