I am starting to see evidence that summer is fading and autumn is arriving. This morning on my walk, I noticed a definite coolness in the air. The sky has been overcast and reminding me of Germany, a past season of life for us that I recall most affectionately. The colors are changing hue from bright green to browns and oranges. The seasons are reminding me that life changes seasons too. Sometimes it is sad to leave a season behind, especially when the one ahead is so uncertain. But as surely as summer must come to an end and fall will take its place with new yet different beauty, so too can our new seasons in life bring a beauty better than we could have hoped. Trust in God and His perfect timing in all things is my current mantra. I pass this locked box on a utility pole every day and I wonder what it is and if it is still useful. So many berries are on the bushes and trees. God in His goodness is providing the birds and other animals with nourishment. How much more...