busy vs. full- Everyone always says they are busy when you ask about their day. I am guilty myself. But I am trying to make an effort to live full days, not busy ones. I want my days to be more intentional. I am making a list each morning with the heading "I will...". The list includes things that need doing along with things that I like to do and things I wish I did, but never make time to do. So far, it seems to be quite effective. I found a website called Simply Charlotte Mason . I really like the idea of this method of homeschooling. However, I don't honestly know if I could pull it off. This old dog has been using a completely different approach for so long, (thirteen years!) that I wonder how I can possibly make such a big change. Plus, is it too late to try this approach with the older kids? I don't know! I got a new camera! I think it is smarter than me. But that is one of the things on my list mentioned above. To play around with the camera and figur...