I knew it was going to be a weird day when I awoke to the news of the Pope's resignation. That surreal feeling came over me, the one where you are reading the truth, but it seems so false. As I sat there letting this information sink in, the phone rang. Mind you, it was not even 8 o'clock in the morning. It was the hospital calling with the results of my blood work I had done on Friday. With a sinking even further feeling, I answered it, knowing that they wouldn't call just to tell me everything was good. My hunches were right and my old friend hyperthyroid has returned. The doctor prescribed a beta blocker to help bring down my heart rate and wanted me to come in for a few more tests. I hung up and then immediately thought of the question I should have asked, namely, is it safe to take this medication while breastfeeding. Over the next couple hours, I looked up information and put a message in to the doctor. Then I fed the kids some lunch, who up to this point had had a fr...