Last week, right before a long four-day weekend, I had an ultrasound to determine the position of the placenta, since it looked suspiciously close to the cervix at my 20 week scan. After not so patiently waiting the whole weekend, I got a call this morning. It is close. Four millimeters close. Too close. There will be more ultrasounds, one at 32 weeks and again at 36 weeks, to monitor how things are progressing. The hope is that as the uterus expands, it will pull the placenta back. If not, then we are looking at a C-section. My first after six normal, uncomplicated deliveries. So I am asking for prayers that things will improve enough that I can avoid surgery. And if that is not the case, then please pray that I will be brave. I am a wimp about these kind of things. No medication for a natural delivery? No problemo. Put a big needle in my back and then slice open my skin? Egads! I will also let you know that I have had this sense of urgency to get things ready early this tim...