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Showing posts from March, 2017

Field Trip

On one of the first truly spring days, we joined our Catholic Homeschool group on a field trip to the Wildpark in Potzburg. Being my introverted self, I was nervous about going. But I am so glad that I got myself and the kids there because it was a fabulous day! We started with a hike that was at least 2 1/2 miles. It was invigorating, and as I was huffing and puffing that last bit, I realized I have been like a hibernating bear through the winter. I have been very sedentary these past months. Then we saw the animals! Did you ever see the original Disney's "Jungle Book"? The scene with the buzzards trying to decide what to do, shrugging their shoulders, saying "I don't know. What do you want to do?" Buzzards walk just like that! Imagine! Then came the part that my kids will not soon forget. They got to actually let falcons fly up and land on their arm! Owls too. Oh, what a joy watching their faces. Me, I am not so brave, and I must admit I was a little...

This and That

(All the photos are SOOC, no editing yet.) This has been an unusual week. Typically, we spend most of our day in the schoolroom. However, I signed up Jack and Therese to take swim lessons.  I need them to be more confident and capable swimmers. You see, our time here in Germany is almost over. Tony's next assignment is Korea. We made the decision to not accompany him. I will be the one taking all the kids to the pool this summer by myself. They are doing really well and progressing quickly. Peter and I have been sitting poolside, reading books, coloring, and generally having a good time together. Tonight was Anna's band and choir concert. She had a small solo in one of the choir numbers. I sat there wondering if I should send her to a brick and mortar school in the fall. It is a hard decision and one that I will be pondering for a while. I was doing a little people watching during the concert and I was sad to see that so many li...

weekend fun

On Saturday, we went on a mini-pilgrimage to Bad Durkheim with a group from our church. We celebrated Mass at St. Ludwig's. There was a painting behind the altar of the Crucifixion, except that the thief on the right had the face of Hitler. It was supposedly painted in 1939. After Mass, we walked through a park toward a tiny chapel on a hill. The chapel was St. Michael's chapel. It was nestled in among the vineyards. Afterwards, we descended the hill and made our way to the world's largest wine barrel, in which we had our lunch. We wandered around for a bit before heading back for the Vigil Mass. St. Ludwig's Church   St. Michael's Chapel   We ate lunch in the barrel.     The nice gentleman who told us about St. Michael's Chapel let the boys ring the bell.   A tour bus getting ready to depart from the world's largest wine barrel. Jack wanted to take a ride in it so very much....