Sunday was beautiful, so I suggested we go check out a park I had seen listed as one of the top 7 parks in our area. As with so many things here in Germany, there was no specific address listed in the article and they even said that it can be challenging to find! I made my best guess and plugged that into the GPS and we were off. For once, I was right, and we had no trouble finding the park or the pirate ship! The water was only a few inches deep, and my kids had such a blast navigating those little, wooden rafts. When they finally tired of being wet, and their stomachs were wanting nourishment, we wandered across the park to the mini-golf course, where we had more fun and some food, and maybe even a glass of wine for the mama.  Because they are and because he oftentimes is, I would like to title this one "Crabby Pants".  This duck was floating on another pond nearby, but I startled him while trying to capture the scene and he ...